

MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HUBBARD COUNTY, MINNESOTA TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2022 9:00 AM HUBBARD COUNTY BOARD ROOM PRESENT: DAVID DE LA HUNT, TED VAN KEMPEN, CHARLENE CHRISTENSON, DAN STACEY, AND TOM KRUEGER ABSENT: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE BOARD CHAIR CALL TO ORDER a) Meeting called to order at 9:00a.m. 1. AGENDA APPROVAL a) There were no additions or adjustments to the Agenda. Commissioner Christenson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Krueger seconded the motion. Carried 2. PUBLIC INPUT – No one spoke during Public Input 3. CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes b) Auditors Warrants & Claims c) Social Services Warrants and Claims d) Approve Cash Balance Reports for Month Ending May 31, 2022. e) Submittal of Highway Department Financial Statement YTD 5/31/22 f) Approve Resolution 07052022001, Accepting Sheriff’s Office Donations 07052022001 Sheriff Office Donations g) Review and Approve Allocation to Reimburse Expense Request of $500.00 to Hubbard County Senior Council for Senior Day at the Fair. h) Approve the Application for Renewal of Liquor, Wine, of Club License – Long Lake Theatre LLC i) Approve Resolution 07052022002, Authorizing Execution of Agreement State of Minnesota Annual County Boat and Water Safety Grant Contract Agreement 07052022002 MN Annual county Boat _ Water Safety Grant Contract Agreement j) Approve Resolution 07052022003, Resolution Declaring a State of Emergency. Hubbard County Department of Emergency Management is requesting that the Hubbard Board of Commissioners approve a resolution declaring a state of emergency for Hubbard County. This request is for a severe weather event that occurred May 30, 2022 that caused a significant amount of public property damage that prompted an emergency response by multiple County departments. 07052022003 Declaring a State of Emergency k) Consent Agenda Approval There were no additions or adjustments to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Stacey made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner De La Hunt seconded the motion. Carried 4. COUNTY EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION a) County Employee Recognition Sheriff : Mathew Horsma, Dispatcher/Jailer is recognized for 2+ years of service from April 1, 2020 to July 13, 2022. 5. HIGHWAY / SURVEY a) Review bid for Project SAP 029-649-002, Akeley Storm Sewer Repair The sole bid exceeded the Engineer’s estimate by approximately 42%. Re-bidding for next year should provide us with additional bidders as more construction work is located in this area. Commissioner Stacey made a motion to reject all bids received and to re-bid for 2023 to align with MnDOT project on TH 34. Commissioner De La Hunt seconded the motion. Carried b) Project Update: Commissioners heard project updates from Assistant Engineer Adolphson 6 SOLID WASTE a) Review and approve quote for (4) roll-off containers As part of an MPCA Environmental Assistance Grant, we are purchasing (4) roll-off containers to be used to sort and reuse construction and demolition debris at the North and South Transfer Station. Three (3) quotes were received, with Metalwerx of Brainerd, MN being the low quote at $31,200.00. This quote does not include shipping, we would pick up the units. Commissioner Van Kempen made a motion to approve low quote of $31,200.00 from Metalwerx of Brainerd, MN for (4) roll-off containers. Commissioner Stacey seconded the motion. Carried 7 SHERIFF a) Review and Approve Quotes for New Window in the Visitation Room of the Jail The Hubbard County Jail has received quotes for updates to the meeting room to include the replacement of the window and communication equipment in the visitation room of the jail. This project will allow professional visitors to meet with individuals housed in the jail facility by limiting the risk of transmission of infectious diseases while still maintaining the security of the jail. The attached quotes for this project are from The Pauly Jail Building Co. (window), Davis Electric (intercom & TV uplink) and Haataja Contracting Inc (masonry work). The quote from The Pauly Jail Building Co. is for the window that has a lockable paper pass. The quote from Davis Electric is for the labor and materials to install an intercom system and TV uplink for handsfree communication and evidence sharing. The quote from Haataja Contracting Inc is for the masonry work for the demo and installation of the new window. The total amount of this project is $13,338.00. Needed funds will come from existing Capital Funds. Commissioner Stacey made a motion to approve the quotes from The Pauly Jail Building Co., Davis Electric, and Haataja Contracting Inc. totaling July 5, 2022 $13,338.00 for the updates needed in the visitation room of the jail. Commissioner Christenson seconded the motion. Carried 8 NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT a) Review and approve a private easement across tax forfeited land to the Northern Lights Council of the Boy Scouts of America in sections 23 and 27 of Township 142, Range 34 (Clay Township) The Northern Lights Council of the Boy Scouts of America is requesting easements to two parcels of land in section 23 and 27 of Clay Township. The easements are needed to satisfy legal access for a conservation easement that will be placed on the parcels. Appraised value of the easement is $7,515. Commissioner Krueger made a motion to approve the easement and supporting resolution 07052022004 granting the easement to the Northern Lights Council of the Boy Scouts of America in Sections 23 and 27 of Township 142, Range 34 (Clay Township). Commissioner Van Kempen seconded the motion. Carried 07052022004 – Easement – Northern Lights Council of BSA – 23 and 27, 142-24 b) Review and approve a private easement to Robert Shimpa across tax forfeited land in section18 of Lake Hattie Township The applicant is requesting an easement into private land along Quetzal Drive in Lake Hattie Township. The property will be used as seasonal residential recreation – non-homestead. Approve the private easement for Robert W. Shimpa based on a successful closing on parcels 18.07.01211 and 18.07.01210. Appraised value of easement is $1,605. Commissioner Van Kempen made a motion to approve the private easement and supporting resolution 07052022005 for Robert W. Shimpa based on a successful closing on parcels 18.07.01211 and 18.07.01210. Commissioner Christenson seconded the motion. Carried 07052022005 – Easement – Robert W. Shimpa – Section 7, 144-35 c) Review and approve quotes for Phase I archaeological survey for timber appraisal 1511 in sections 22 and 27 of Rockwood Township The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is recommending a Phase I Archaeological Survey be conducted on a tract of tax forfeited land where we have a pending timber sale. The NRM Office has received two quotes to conduct the Phase I survey on the 57.4-acre parcel. MN Statute 138.40 requires state agencies to cooperate with the historical society and the state archaeologist to carry out the provisions of M.S. 138.31 to 138.42. Commissioner De La Hunt made a motion to approve the low quote of $5,005.67 (without curation) and $6,609.19 (with curation) from Duluth Archaeology Center, LLC of Duluth Minnesota. Commissioner Van Kempen seconded the motion. Carried d) Review and Approve a Commercial Purchase Agreement from Golden Warriors LLC of Tax Forfeited Land Golden Warriors, LLC is proposing to purchase a tax forfeited lot in the city of Park Rapids for $100,000. The tax forfeited parcel (PID 32.26.00100) has already been offered for sale at public auction with no bidders. The parcel was offered at the Commissioner’s Appraised Value of $30,000 and currently has city special assessments of $19,049.56. The purchase agreement provides for July 5, 2022 $2,000.00 of earnest money. The land is being purchased to construct a Dollar General store. The agreement would stipulate the County would not sell/lease/rent lands it may own along Highway 34 or Western Avenue in the vicinity to any of the buyers competing business. This agreement has been reviewed and is approved as to form by the County Attorney. Commissioner Krueger made a motion to authorize the County Board Chairman to sign the Commercial Purchase Agreement offered by Golden Warriors, LLC. Commissioner Van Kempen seconded the motion. Carried 07052022006 – Commercial Purchase Agreement – Authorization to sign e) Department Update: Information regarding a coming price increase for tree seedings was shared. 9 HUMAN RESOURCES a) Facilities Maintenance Department Clothing Policy The 2022 Facilities Maintenance Department budget was approved with clothing allowance funding. This policy is essentially the same policy as other County departments with the exception of a procedural change requiring reimbursement submittal of December 1st to allow adequate time for processing of submittal. Commissioner De La Hunt made a motion to approve the Facilities Maintenance Department Clothing Policy, as recommended by the Facilities Maintenance Manager. Commissioner Stacey seconded the motion. Carried b) New Hire Starting Compensation – Assistant Shop Foreman Personnel Policy, Section 5 Compensation Administration provides for starting compensation above the minimum of the compensation grade range when an applicant has long term prior experience, subject to approval by the Board. The selected applicant brings additional years of experience, which includes work experience as a mechanic in county government. Commissioner Stacey made a motion to approve the hire of an Assistant Shop Foreman at grade 9, step 4 of the compensation grade range, upon recommendation of the Highway Engineer/Public Works Coordinator and Personnel Policy, Section 5 Compensation Administration. Commissioner Christenson seconded the motion. Carried c) New Hire Starting Compensation – Maintenance II Personnel Policy, Section 5 Compensation Administration provides for starting compensation above the minimum of the compensation grade range when an applicant has long term prior experience, subject to approval by the Board. The selected applicant brings additional years of experience, which includes work experience within a Public Works/Street Department in city government. Commissioner De La Hunt made a motion to approve the hire of a Maintenance II at grade 7, step 4 of the compensation grade range, upon recommendation of the Highway Engineer/Public Works Coordinator and Personnel Policy, Section 5 Compensation Administration. Commissioner Krueger seconded the motion. Carried d) Approve and Sign the Consulting Agreement with National Insurance Services (NIS) July 5, 2022 With the last year of the County’s current five-year agreement with Prime Health approaching, a complete benefits review was approved by the Board at the Sept. 21, 2021 Regular meeting. Human Resources and Administration worked with NIS (National Insurance Services) to perform the review, including employee input. This Consulting Agreement between Hubbard County and NIS for strategic medical benefits planning, design, funding, administration and communication with respect to its employee benefits program will have a term of 2 years and 6 months, commencing July 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2024. The agreed upon annual consulting fee of $25,000.00 (billed quarterly) paid by the county to NIS with an increase of 2% each year with an annual increase of 2% for subsequent years. This agreement has been reviewed by the County Attorney. Commissioner Christenson made a motion to approve the signing of the proposed consulting agreement with National Insurance Services for a term of 2 years and 6 months commencing July 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2024 for its initial term, with an annual consulting fee of $25,000.00 (billed quarterly) paid by the county to NIS with an increase of 2% each year with an annual increase of 2% for subsequent years. Commissioner De La Hunt seconded the motion. Carried 10 ADMINISTRATOR a) 2023 proposed new staff positions Each year Hubbard County department heads submit requests for additional staff needed in the next budget cycle to provide countywide services. Requests for 2023 have been submitted and are summarized in the attachments to this agenda item. Please note that the four dispatcher/jailer positions were already approved to be added in 2022 and to continue into 2023 related to the additional average daily population increases at the jail. Employee compensation, wages and benefits, comprise the majority of the spending of the local county property tax levy. An increase in staff would require a corresponding increase in the levy. Please note that the numbers indicated are total dollars and we have not yet calculated and reimbursements or other sources of funding to provide for these additions. b) RFP for Financial Advisor Review a summary of the proposals provided in response to the county RFP for financial services. Five companies submitted proposals. Following discussion, all five will be invited to the July 19th meeting for interviews. Interview questions will be developed at the Work Session on July 12th. Commissioner Stacey made a motion to approve an invitation being sent to all five of the businesses that submitted proposals to provide a presentation to the Board of Commissioners at the July 19th regular meeting. Commissioner Krueger seconded the motion. Carried c) DHS (Department of Health and Human Services) Ruling Commissioners were made aware of a recent ruling stated that all counties that have Prime West as their primary provider for family and children will be required to provide two (2) providers. Mediation is currently set for July 8th. Following discussion, the Board will direct the County Attorney to submit a request for mediation or a request for continuation for the mediation date. July 5, 2022 Commissioner Christenson made a motion to direct the County Attorney to initiate or to join the mediation request relative to the Prime West decision made by DHS. Commissioner Stacey seconded the motion. Carried d) Closed Session to discuss negotiation strategies Hubbard County has eight negotiated contracts ending December 31, 2022. Hubbard County also went out for bid on healthcare benefits for benefits to start January 2023. Purpose of conversation is to discuss options related to negotiation strategies for 2023 contracts. Commissioner Krueger made a motion to close the Open Meeting and open the Closed Meeting Commissioner Van Kempen seconded the motion. Carried Commissioner Stacey made a motion to close the Closed Meeting and re-open the Open Meeting Commissioner De La Hunt seconded the motion. Carried Commissioner De La Hunt made a motion to approve the withdraw from the Prime Health program effective January 1, 2023 following the results of the insurance benefit study, and instruct Administrator Cadwell to send a letter to Prime Health stating the intent of the county. Commissioner Christenson announced that she is a member of the Prime Health Board and will be voting. Commissioner Stacey, an alternate Prime Heath Board member, will also be voting. Commissioner Krueger seconded the motion. Carried 11 COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Commissioners shared updates on the following committees: Stacey: Northwest MN Juvenile Center Christenson: Heritage Living Center Krueger: Kitchigami Library Board De La Hunt: Heartland Lakes Development Commission, Fair Board Van Kempen: Extension, Mississippi Headwaters, Parks & Recreation Board 12 MEETINGS TO NOTE Commissioner Christenson notified the Board she will be attending the July 19th meeting virtually. 13 ADJOURN a) Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Commissioner Stacey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner De La Hunt seconded the motion. Carried /s/ Ted Van Kempen Ted Van Kempen, Chair Hubbard County Board of Commissioners ATTEST /s/ Jeff Cadwell Hubbard County Administrator (July 23, 2022) 83775